Radical Soft Robots: Pillow Study

Radical Soft Robots: Pillow Study

Radical Soft Robots is the project where I examines the artistic possibilities of soft robots —robots made with soft materials such as silicone, vinyl, fabric, and paper. During the first half phase of the project, I experimented with pillow-scale prototypes whereby I tried to understand the materials and technology involved, as well as draw an inspiration for further development of this project. The mid-term report was published in LACMA blog and the more details can be found in the video below. This project was funded by LACMA Art+Technology Lab grant and the production facility and space was supported by Aalto University Arts, Design and Architecture.


급진적인 소프트 로봇은 소프트 로봇은 부드러운 로봇, 혹은 더 나아가 부드럽고 느린 기술에 대해 탐구하는 프로젝트이다. 이는 로스엔젤레스 카운티 미술관(LACMA)의 아트+테크놀로지 랩 그랜트의 지원을 받았으며, 전반기의 리서치와 프로토타입에 대한 기록이 LACMA의 블로그인 unframed에 실렸다. (위의 링크 참조)

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